Build media connections to increase your visibility and influence.
Develop writing skills that engage audiences through impactful op-eds.
Establish valuable networks within media and public platforms.
Gain confidence in public speaking to shape discussions at forums and events.
Learn to amplify your unique expertise to influence public conversations.
Master interview techniques to confidently present your ideas on radio and TV.
Showcase your expertise and position yourself as a trusted thought leader.
You can contact the Orbit team at
Orbit is a 10 month long accelerator, spanning from February - November.
Yes, a certificate is awarded upon completion.
Participants need to have a revenue earning business with growth potential. Participants also need to be eager to learn and take on constructive feedback.
Dr Glynn Greensmith is the Course Coordinator for Journalism at Curtin University. He was a radio host on the ABC for 15 years, is a WA Media Award winner, and has written op-eds for the Nine newspapers and Crikey.
Sisonke Msimang is a author and storyteller whose articles and essays have appeared in the New York Times, CNN, Newsweek, The Guardian and Al Jazeera. Sisonke headed up the Perth Writer's Festival until 2023, served as a judge for the Stella Prize and the Miles Franklin Prize.
Applications to include a CV highlighting areas of expertise
A concise description of your why. Tell us in 250 words or less what impact expanding your reach would have on your career and how involvement in this pilot would affect your future.
Applications accepted in written, visual and recorded formats
Have questions? We're more than happy to help! Drop us a line and we'll get back to you in a jiffy.